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Maple Road, Penge, SE20 8HU

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The School Curriculum

The school curriculum has undergone a number of changes over the last few years to keep in line with the National Curriculum.

The National curriculum consists of four “Core” subjects – English, Mathematics and Science and Information Communication Technology, together with six “Foundation” subjects – Design and Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art and Design and Physical Education all of which have been revised by the DFEE as “Curriculum 2000” for implementation from September 2000.

The school curriculum includes all the National Curriculum subjects together with Religious education.

Aspects of health and Citizenship are in included in P.S.H.E. (Personal, Social, and Health Education) with some simple Sex Education included in the Upper school.

Religious Education

Parents with children at any school have a legal right to withdraw them from acts of worship and religious education, but, as these form a central and integral part of the life of St John’s, it is assumed that parents applying for places at St John’s are in sympathy with its Christian Foundation.

The parish clergy are actively involved in the life of the school, leading some Acts of Worship and working with staff in R.E. lessons. Assemblies take place each day for all children with some being prepared by children themselves. The end of term service to which parents are invited takes place in the church.

Aspects of health and Citizenship are in included in P.S.H.E. (Personal, Social, and Health Education) with some simple Sex Education included in the Upper school.



Children are set reading, learning and other school work to be carried out at home. This increases as children progress through the school. Parents are asked to check their child’s homework before it is returned to school to make sure it is of an adequate standard.

Drama and Concerts

At various times of the year concerts are held to which parents are invited. The content of the concerts naturally varies from one term to the next. The school places an emphasis on the importance of quality performances. It is proven to raise a child’s self esteem and enjoyment of school and this in turn then has a positive effect in the classroom and learning.

The school also combines with other local schools for musical events such as the Penge Schools Music Festival and the Bromley Schools Prom.


We provide one term of swimming free to children when they are in the upper school as part of our Physical Education programme.

School Journey

The children in year 6 are offered a place on a residential school journey lasting five days and four nights. This includes a very full programme of outdoor activities and takes place at various established school journey centres. A photo and film show from the school journey takes place a few weeks afterwards and parents are encouraged to attend

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