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Maple Road, Penge, SE20 8HU

Telephone: 020 8778 5066
Fax: 020 8776 7547 

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Your child should be on the playground by 8.55am each morning. If they are not in school by 9.05am they will be marked in the register as late. The School’s Educational Welfare Officer makes regular visits to the school to check that we are filling the registers in correctly. They also count up individual children’s late and absences and they will contact the parents if they feel it is happening too often.

When children are absent from school we expect a phone call or a message to reach us by 9.15 on their first day of absence.

If we have not heard from you we will telephone you to make sure your child is ok.

When the child returns to school they should always bring a note into school to explain the absence.

Attendance at St John’s is consistently good with figures well over 90% regularly achieved.

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