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Maple Road, Penge, SE20 8HU

Telephone: 020 8778 5066
Fax: 020 8776 7547 

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Aims of St John’s:

  • To value and respect each other and develop concern for each other as shown by our discipline, courtesy and good manners

  • To recognise, appreciate and celebrate cultural, aesthetic and creative achievements

  • To celebrate the difference, diversity and uniqueness of each human being

  • To develop a broad vision of the wider world and foster love and care for the environment.

  • To build strong and purposeful links with our parents and local community

  • To provide all staff with a healthy environment in which to work and to create opportunities for their professional development

  • To help every child realise his or her full potential

  • To provide a learning environment which is welcoming, accessible and nurturing, which builds competence and the confidence to overcome difficulties

  • To develop children’s experience of worship, reflection and prayer and increase their understanding of Christian life and spiritual experience.

We aim to do all these in the context of a warm and welcoming Christian ethos so that the love of Jesus Christ will be evident to all who come within our walls and so that our children will develop strong Christian values.


Our Mission Statement:

“Achieving Excellence with God as our Guide”

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