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Contact info

Maple Road, Penge, SE20 8HU

Telephone: 020 8778 5066
Fax: 020 8776 7547 

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Contact Details

We have a full time Family Worker at the school who is available to help and assist parents with a whole variety of different needs and questions. If you would like to meet and speak with Berni Excell our Family Worker please do not hesitate to either phone her on the main school office or email her on

We encourage parents to receive letters from school via email to help save paper. If you would like to be added to the newsletter email list please email the head teacher at   and you will be added to the list.

It is very important that the school has contact details where parents can be contacted during the day of children become ill during the school time so please forward all contact information to for attention of Mrs Shilling.

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