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Contact info

Maple Road, Penge, SE20 8HU

Telephone: 020 8778 5066
Fax: 020 8776 7547 

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Admissions Procedure

The school has an admissions number of 45 which are organised as follows: 

Unlike the Borough schools, St John’s does not have a catchment area so admission to the school is at the request of parents and at the discretion of the Head teacher and governors.

Wherever possible the School tries to admit the children of all local parents who specifically want a Church School for their children, but when there is pressure on places (as in all recent years) equal preference is given to members of St John’s church and other local mainstream churches, and to those with brothers and sisters already in the school.

Children are admitted to St John’s shortly before their fifth birthdays. Children born between September 1st and February 28th start school in the Autumn term (September) and those born between March 1st and August 31st start in the Spring term (January).

Click here for our admissions form.

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